
Showing posts from 2011

bye to 2011 and hello 2012

This year has been one of the best years of my 24 years! There were a lot of lfe changing milestones that took place this year. January-March: My husband graduated Army basic camp and his family and I went to see him graduate. I was beyond proud of him and SO happy I was able to be there to see him graduate :). I also turned 24 (the years keep flying by lol). April-June: In April my boyfriend (now husband) asked me to marry him. He asked me in the cutest way! I'll never forget that day :). After that it was nothing but preparation for the wedding. July-Sep: July 23rd I married my best friend, I know it's cliche to say "I married my best friend" since everyone says but he truly knows me like no one else does!) Another day I will NEVER forget! :). Then in August I moved from California to Oklahoma to live with my husband. I'm not going to lie that was a big change for me. Living away from my family and then living together, it took time to adjust but we got ov...

block leave

A couple weeks ago my furry daughter, husband and I went to California. We got back this week. It was nice being able to go home for the holidays. We hadn't seen our families in a couple months so it was nice seeing every one! We got to spend time with both our families and spend Christmas with them at the same time. Ever since we started dating our families have shared Christmas together. It's a nice tradition, although this year seemed be a bit different but it was still nice. My husband and I were able to go to some of our favorite restaurants that we hadn't been to since we lived there, it was nice being able to go on mini dates just the two of us and getting to go out with our families :). Libby (our doggie) got to meet our families dogs. Everyone said what a nice dog she was, which made us proud of her :). My hubby surprised me and bought me a Lenovo tablet. I wasn't expecting anything so it was cute that he bought me that. We also got a table (yes, we've li...


This week I had finals, I'm so glad I'm done with this semester. This is the first semester back since 2009 so it was a little bit of an adjustment. Over all I think it was a good semester back :). I only took 2 classes this semester so it wasn't too hard. Next semester I'm going to take 5 classes so that'll be the big test! This month has been way busy! I have been busy buying things for people for Christmas! I love shopping for others and of course a couple things for myself :). I can't wait for Sunday night, my husband, my doggy and I will start our 20 hour trek to California. My hubby has 2 weeks off so we're going home for Christmas! I'm definitely going to enjoy ALL my time there! I've missed everyone over there! I'm VERRRRRYYYYY excited! :)


Our Thanksgiving Dinner turned out great! It was nice spending it with my husband last Thanksgiving we didn't get to spend together since he was at bootcamp. It was my first Thanksgiving without out my family, kind of weird not having them to share the meal with but it was still a good dinner non the less. The day after my hubby and I decorated for Christmas. We put up our tree and our stockings. We're driving home for Christmas! I can't wait to see our families! Even though we aren't staying here for Christmas we both thought it would be great to put our tree to get in the holiday spirit :). It's our first tree together! This past year my hubby and I have had a lot of first's and I love it! :)


I'm thankful for my little family (my husband and Libby), they're my world! I'm also thankful for my wonderful family and friends. This is the first Thanksgiving without my family but I'm so thankful I get to spend it with my husband. Last year we didn't get to spend Thanksgiving together because he was in boot camp and for the first time him and I are spending Thanksgiving as Husband and Wife. Well it's my first time cooking Thanksgiving Dinner. I'll post pictures and the results of my cooking either later today or this weekend :) Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving :)
Since my husband and dog went to bed I guess I'll blog :). There really hasn't been much going on over here. I started my 9 week class this past week, the first week went pretty good considering the teacher didn't even show up the first day so we went home early :) and our second day of class we didn't have class because it was fall break :). This weekend I spent a lot of my time studying because I have a test in my psych class in a couple weeks but I want to stay on top of everything. I took a test not too long ago and I didn't do so well, the only good thing about that test was that the teacher dropped some questions, which brought me up by 10 pts and then my teacher offered us 10 extra pts if we completed an assignment as a class so that really helped! But I know I have to do much better this next test. I've been really creative lately with creating flowers and headbands :). I've actually sold a couple which makes me happy because it would make me super...


Lately I've been really scattered brain. There is so much going through my head that I get distracted from what I'm doing. It's starting to get on my nerves. I feel like there I want to do so much but when I go to start on something I want to do I just get distracted and either put it off. I think staying home all the time is starting to get to me, I feel like I need to start some sort of business but I don't know what kind of business. I want something that will keep be busy and make some money, it doesn't even have to be a lot of money it just has to be enough to keep the business going. I want to do something that is unique that someone hasn't done. I think this is what has me so scattered brain because I have so many ideas but I don't want what I do to be the same as everyone else. So all the ideas that come to mind, that I get started on I just give up on because they remind me of what others have done. The thing is that my scattered brain about comin...

beautiful hump day

 Today has been such a lovely day outside, it's fresh and over cast. I love days like these! It reminds of California weather. I miss lots of things from back home and one of them is the weather. I remember when I would complain to my husband (then bf) about how I hated where we lived but moving out of California you realize you had the perfect weather and lord knows I took it for granted. Although the weather since I moved here hasn't been all that bad just always windy.  Lately I've been doing all my crafts and school work downstairs in our living room and today I decided I'd actually use our desk that we have in our spare room. Usually this room is warm and it doesn't have a fan so I didn't like spending time in it but since today is such a nice day I opened the window and it feels great in here. It feels good using the desk, using a hard surface instead of the floor or my notebook lol. The first couple weeks that I moved here my hubby bought me the desk, so...
Several friends from high school are pregnant and it gets met to thinking about wanting a baby. My hubby and I talk about it. We both really want one but we both know this isn't the time for one. He'll be deploying next year so if we were to get pregnant he wouldn't be here for the birth, which isn't fair to him. I think that is such a special moment for both him and I that it's better that we know he'll be here when we do have a baby. At the same time that brings up the whole if he decides to be a liver (be in the army till he retires), in May is half way till his contract is up and he's thinking of reuping. I'm 80% sure he'll reenlist, which I'm 100% behind him with whatever he chooses. So to get back to the whole baby matter, if he does decide to reenlist and does want to make this his carrier that brings up he may be gone whenever we do decide to have a baby. But that's down the line for now I'm perfectly happy with my Libby, she keep...


I was browsing through youtube looking for music to listen to and I came across these songs that I really like. I've never heard of them but I thought they sounded pretty good :) Hope you enjoyed ((:

Whats new

I can't believe it's already October 1st. This year has gone by SO fast! There has been so many changes in my life and I'm loving new change that has come my way this year! :) I haven't written in awhile so I thought I'd update what's been going on. Two weeks from yesterday my husband and I added an addition to our family. We liked the name Liberty but wanted something original so we named her Libby :). She has been such an awesome furry daughter! We got her at the pound on base, she's a year old. She caught our eye by jumping so high that she was hitting the top of the kennel. At first I thought wow she's going to be a handful but really she's super sweet and yes she has her excited crazy moments (but that's what caught our eye). So other than getting Libby there really hasn't been much that has gone with me. I did have my first test this past Monday. I find out this coming Monday what I got. For some reason I don't feel all that c...
The last two days have been awesome! I love football season! My team is playing right now as we speak! :) This has been my team since high school. The mascot at my high school was the Patriots so in high school I started going for them. I think it was my freshman year in high school that I got really into football and started watching everyday Sunday and I also got into college football that same year. My family has always followed football. I remember when I was little my family being die hard cowboy fans (my dad's family), my mom would cheer for them but she loves the Raiders (since she grew up in LA lol). So anyways at heart I will always be a Dallas Cowboy fan but I'm also a Patriot fan. So I have two teams I follow :). My husband hates both of my teams. He's a 49er fan, I can't stand them but sometimes I secetely go for them because of him lol :).
Today was a pretty chill day. Instead of having a Desperate Housewives marathon I decided to have an Army Wives marathon and I got through season 1. I might watch season 2 tomorrow but i don't know I think I'll watch football. I also made a star wreath today. I wasn't sure how it was going to come out but it actually came out good :) I thought it was perfect for tomorrow since it's Sepetember 11th tomorrow. I can't believe it's the 10th anniversary. It feels like just yesterday I woke up and saw the footage (being that I lived on the west coast the first plane had already hit the first tower and the second one had just occured). I remember being in shock and not knowing if it was real or not. I remember going to school and watching the coverage on TV's in the classrooms. I also remember going home after school and watching the news ALL day long. It was such a sad day. It has truly affected millions of people, the people in the twin towers (both living and de...

DH marathon

So I decided today and this weekend I'd watch seasons one through seven of Desperate Housewives, while doing some scrapbooking and other crafts. I <3 this show and can't wait for this season. I this season is the series finale, I'm sad about but can't wait to see how they end the series. Hope every one has a wonderful weekend :)

God gave me you

This song descripes the way I was before my husband came into my life and after he came into my life. God truly did give me him to me for the ups and downs! No matter what he is always by myside both physcially and emotionally. I thank God everyday for him! :)

Movie day

My husband left for the field today. He got back last week and had to go again today. This is the first time since we've been married and I moved out here that he's had to be at the field. The last time he went, he only went for 3 days, which wasn't too bad but this time he'll be out there for 7 days. It's not that long but with me not having any friends here it gets lonely. Although the days sometimes go fast with crafting and watching movies on Netflix. Today has been a perfect day for curling up on the couch and watching a movie, since it's been fresh and over cast (almost like it wants to rain). So, I watched I always get scared of watching movies that I've read because they always let me down but this one didn't! It was pretty good and also a tear jerker lol. In a little bit I'm going to watch I've been meaning to watch it for awhile and since we have Netflix I thought I'd watch it. Not sure what I'll watch after....
I love being a wife especially when it's to my best friend, the person that understand me even when I don't understand myself. I love that I take care of him by cooking, keeping things in order here at our house, etc. Sometimes I just feel so home sick and I miss my family more than anything! I moved to half way across the country a little over a month ago, which is in a different time zone. So it's hard for me to always get a hold of my family or even friends. I miss everyone so much! Talking to them makes me feel better at first I would call them all the time. I have tried to not call so much so that I can adjust to living here with my husband. It's just days like today that I miss my family and wish I could be with them.

oldie but goodie


keepin' it simple

sometimes I wish my life would be perfect but then I think what life lessons would I learn? So I'm greatful for everything that has made me who I am so that I can over come lifes difficulties :)


Today was a day of nothing but crafts and some TV. I made some stars for the wreath I'm making, I painted a cute little letter holder and a letter. I love craft days! Not only do they make me feel better but it keeps me busy! :)

home alone

I love the movie home alone but that's not what this movie is about lol. This morning I dropped off my husband at his battalon head quarters. He'll be at the field for 3 days. So I'll be home alone for 3 days. I've been away from him for a lot longer than 3 days it just feels weird because I just moved here and I was getting use to him being around. I've also never really been alone for more than a day or two so it'll be different but I have to get use to it since next week he'll be gone for 7 days! I guess this is just the beginning of being an Army wife. So I decided I'd keep busy by doing some craft projects :). I went to hobby lobby and dollar tree (you'd be supprised at the art projects you could get there lol) so I'm set for the next 3 days and the following 7 days :). Hope everyone has a great Monday :))

This is home

I've been listening to KLove a lot more during the day and this song came on and I love it so I thought I'd share :) This is home by Switchfoot
I just redid this picture two different styles and decided I'd share :)

over the past couple months

I haven't written in several months, a lot has happened in those several months. June was my bridal shower that was a lot of fun! My bestfriend/maid of honor and my brides maids (sister and sister in law) did an amazing job at pulling everything together. There were lots of things to do and of course lots of laughs! We got a lot of gifts :). I can't thank everyone enough for everything! The month of July was by far the best month of my life! There was a lot of preperation for the wedding this month, so it was busy getting things taken care of. I made a lot of stuff for the wedding myself. I'll be posting some of the crafts I did for it on here, so stay tuned lol. Anyways Tyler came home July 21st, I picked him up from the airport we went to get our marriage licesnse. After that we went to his house to visit his family, we hung out there for awhile. Then we had an appointment with the pastor going to marry us, both Tyler and I were feeling stressed so the conversation w...