Since my husband and dog went to bed I guess I'll blog :). There really hasn't been much going on over here. I started my 9 week class this past week, the first week went pretty good considering the teacher didn't even show up the first day so we went home early :) and our second day of class we didn't have class because it was fall break :). This weekend I spent a lot of my time studying because I have a test in my psych class in a couple weeks but I want to stay on top of everything. I took a test not too long ago and I didn't do so well, the only good thing about that test was that the teacher dropped some questions, which brought me up by 10 pts and then my teacher offered us 10 extra pts if we completed an assignment as a class so that really helped! But I know I have to do much better this next test.

I've been really creative lately with creating flowers and headbands :). I've actually sold a couple which makes me happy because it would make me super happy if I could make it into a small all home business since I don't have a job right now. Oh another great thing that happened this past week was that I finally got my unemployment :). I had applied several months ago but was denied, I appealed and my appeal was over turned and I finally got my debt card :).

Another thing that has been keeping me busy is cooking and baking :). I've been really into making new things. This week I made home made mac and cheese, parmesan dijon chicken, banana bread and chocolate chip cookies, all which were super yummy :).

Random pic of the night:


  1. I wish I had the desire to cook and bake more.. all of that sounds so yummy! I am glad your unemployment was appealed and you are receiving it!


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