
Lately I've been really scattered brain. There is so much going through my head that I get distracted from what I'm doing. It's starting to get on my nerves. I feel like there I want to do so much but when I go to start on something I want to do I just get distracted and either put it off. I think staying home all the time is starting to get to me, I feel like I need to start some sort of business but I don't know what kind of business. I want something that will keep be busy and make some money, it doesn't even have to be a lot of money it just has to be enough to keep the business going. I want to do something that is unique that someone hasn't done. I think this is what has me so scattered brain because I have so many ideas but I don't want what I do to be the same as everyone else. So all the ideas that come to mind, that I get started on I just give up on because they remind me of what others have done.

The thing is that my scattered brain about coming up with something to make is starting to get in the way of making a list for grocery shopping because I get side tracked and start thinking about what to do to start the business.

Well that's it's for now.


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