
I haven't written in awhile! A lot has gone on since I last wrote. I'll definitely have to write about everything but not today. I still have an assignment that I have to finish, so that I'll update in another post :).

Today I decided to listen to KLove, if you don't know KLove is a christian music station. I haven't listened to them in LONG time, I don't know what made me change it this station but this song came on the radio, it's called "Forgiveness" by Matthew West. I don't know why but it caught my attention so much that I felt like blogging about. I'm not sure if I necessarily to forgive anyone in particular but the song itself brought me to realizing that without forgiveness there is no moving forward in my life. Also I think the song touched me is because I have felt so far from God that I feel like I need forgiveness for being gone from him....


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