make the most of life

A lot has happened since I last wrote on here. I'm not really sure where to start, I guess I'll start out with little things (sorry for the randomness) My hubby turned 23 and I turned 25, we didn't do much for our birthdays just dinner and spent time together.

A lot has been on my mind! My hubby got moved to a new unit last week and while getting moved to the new unit he was informed that he'll be deploying soon. It took me off guard because his last unit deployed but wasn't chosen to go with them. So, I guess I had let my guard down when it came to him being deployed because I knew he wouldn't be. Then this came up and I feel like I cry every night (I've been getting better!) and the date keeps getting pushed up, which makes it harder and harder.

I don't want my husband to leave. I then think, I'm not the only one going through this so I need to suck it up and just be supportive for my husband. Which is my new out look on this whole situation. I"m not going to be the wife that gets depressed or can't continue on with life while he's gone. I'm going to finish my degree and find a part time job. I  want to stay as busy as possible especially since I'm staying here instead of going "home". I say "home" because home is where you make it. But any ways I'm staying here because I really don't want to go through transferring again and having some classes not transfer. That would be a waist of money and time.

After this semester is over I'm going to go "home" for a month or so I can visit my family and friend :). I really want to make the most of everything going on because i know God only gives me what I can handle. So he obviously knows I can handle it and I WILL handle it with grace! :)


  1. I can only imagine how hard it is for you. It's good that your attitude has changed about it and if I can afford it I will visit you! Love and support is what our significant others need from us, no matter how horrible it is for us because they are going through it too. Tyler is a brave man and let him know I appreciate his service and the service of the others. I miss you very much and I love you and only wish and hope for for the both of you :) i'll always be here for you in any way that I can be

  2. I haven't been on in awhile but I really needed this today bestie! I miss you! I'll be in Cali in July! We have to meet up! It's almost been a year since I've last seen you :( but it went quickly so that gives me hope that this next year will go fast! :). I love you and know that I'm here for you too! :)


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