Today was a day of nothing but crafts and some TV. I made some stars for the wreath I'm making, I painted a cute little letter holder and a letter. I love craft days! Not only do they make me feel better but it keeps me busy! :)
Vanessa, you're my 200th follower. I'd like to send you one of my novels as a thank you. Can you send me your mailing address? Ann
A lot has happened since I last wrote on here. I'm not really sure where to start, I guess I'll start out with little things (sorry for the randomness) My hubby turned 23 and I turned 25, we didn't do much for our birthdays just dinner and spent time together. A lot has been on my mind! My hubby got moved to a new unit last week and while getting moved to the new unit he was informed that he'll be deploying soon. It took me off guard because his last unit deployed but wasn't chosen to go with them. So, I guess I had let my guard down when it came to him being deployed because I knew he wouldn't be. Then this came up and I feel like I cry every night (I've been getting better!) and the date keeps getting pushed up, which makes it harder and harder. I don't want my husband to leave. I then think, I'm not the only one going through this so I need to suck it up and just be supportive for my husband. Which is my new out look on this whole situatio...
Interesting fact of the Day: today is National Pie Day so go out and have some pie :) I had another good week. During the week I was busy with school work. This semester is keeping me busy and I haven't even started the papers that go with each class. I'm sure when I start working on those I'm going to be even more busy, which of course I don't mind :) This weekend was good I spent it with my husband and doggy. Saturday was kind of boring we just hung out at home. In the evening a lady doing a health survey for the state of Oklahoma came over and had me do a survey. I didn't mind doing it for free but I got paid 30 bucks for doing it! After then I ordered pizza and we ended the night watching a movie. On Sunday I went grocery shopping nothing big just the little stuff to keep us full till next payday. Then came home and we watched football. I was so nervous watching the first game since it was my patriots! They played good but not great but it was a win and that...
Since my husband and dog went to bed I guess I'll blog :). There really hasn't been much going on over here. I started my 9 week class this past week, the first week went pretty good considering the teacher didn't even show up the first day so we went home early :) and our second day of class we didn't have class because it was fall break :). This weekend I spent a lot of my time studying because I have a test in my psych class in a couple weeks but I want to stay on top of everything. I took a test not too long ago and I didn't do so well, the only good thing about that test was that the teacher dropped some questions, which brought me up by 10 pts and then my teacher offered us 10 extra pts if we completed an assignment as a class so that really helped! But I know I have to do much better this next test. I've been really creative lately with creating flowers and headbands :). I've actually sold a couple which makes me happy because it would make me super...
Vanessa, you're my 200th follower. I'd like to send you one of my novels as a thank you. Can you send me your mailing address?