over the past couple months
I haven't written in several months, a lot has happened in those several months. June was my bridal shower that was a lot of fun! My bestfriend/maid of honor and my brides maids (sister and sister in law) did an amazing job at pulling everything together. There were lots of things to do and of course lots of laughs! We got a lot of gifts :). I can't thank everyone enough for everything!

The month of July was by far the best month of my life! There was a lot of preperation for the wedding this month, so it was busy getting things taken care of. I made a lot of stuff for the wedding myself. I'll be posting some of the crafts I did for it on here, so stay tuned lol.
Anyways Tyler came home July 21st, I picked him up from the airport we went to get our marriage licesnse. After that we went to his house to visit his family, we hung out there for awhile. Then we had an appointment with the pastor going to marry us, both Tyler and I were feeling stressed so the conversation we had with the pastor was really nice and helped to relieve some of the stress. After that we went to my house so that Tyler could meet my family that came from Texas. I'm so happy my family from Texas was able to make it out for the wedding.
The next day, we went to set up the arch and took the dishes to the place that we were having the wedding. That evening we had our rehersal, it went really well.
After the rehersal with the pastor we went to Tyler's parents house for the rehersal dinner.
The rehersal went really well, we all had fun. Tyler's parents made a video of him and I of childhood pictures as well as pictures from when we first met to now. It was really nice. It was also a nice way thank everyone that had already done so much for us.
So the next day was our BIG day! July 23,2011 :) a day that I will never forget! The morning of I went to get the flowers for the cake. Then went to get my hair done around noonish. I loved the way my hair came out! Before the day I wasn't too sure how I wanted it, I knew I wanted it to be curly but I wasn't sure if it should be up, half up or all down. I ended up going curly/wavy and down. After my hair appointment my best friend was already at my house so we got the little things ready to go to take with us to place we were getting married. Time went so fast that day but I was glad it did because I was ready to marry my bestfriend :). So we left around 4ish, I was able to look at the backyard, I hadn't seen it since Tyler, his family and my family set it up.
It was everything I had invisioned :). After looking at the yard we went back inside and started to get ready. I was supprised that we had two photographers. It was really nice we had a lady photographer so she was in the room with me while I was getting ready and the man photographer was taking pictures of Tyler and his family outside before the ceremony. I loved that they were both there! I love ALL the pictures we got!After taking pictures it was time for the ceremony to start. I was SO excited! I wasn't really nervous because I know we are perfect for each other!
As you can see both my parents walked me down the aisle, I was so happy to have both of my parents walk me down the aisle. It meant the world to me :)....As soon as I saw Tyler standing there! I couldn't stop smiling! Just writing about the day brings back all the smiles and tears of joy :).
It was everything I could've dreamed of and more! The best part was when the pastor pronounced us Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Brown :).
There were a lot more pictures, like the pictures we took at the lake as well as the reception. I'll probably post those some time this week :)
oh and I forgot to mention I moved and live in a completely different state with my wonderful husband :))
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