The last two days have been awesome! I love football season! My team is playing right now as we speak! :)
This has been my team since high school. The mascot at my high school was the Patriots so in high school I started going for them. I think it was my freshman year in high school that I got really into football and started watching everyday Sunday and I also got into college football that same year. My family has always followed football. I remember when I was little my family being die hard cowboy fans (my dad's family), my mom would cheer for them but she loves the Raiders (since she grew up in LA lol). So anyways at heart I will always be a Dallas Cowboy fan but I'm also a Patriot fan. So I have two teams I follow :). My husband hates both of my teams. He's a 49er fan, I can't stand them but sometimes I secetely go for them because of him lol :).


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