This weekend!

This past weekend was AMAZING! My babe was able to come home for Easter. I loved having him here! I miss seeing him every day. He left today and I miss him already! He's coming home in July. So it's not too far away. The reason he's coming home is because we're getting married :). I have so much to do in so little time. We just officially got engaged this weekend btw :). I was already planning stuff but know it's game time and I have to really work on the wedding especially if I want it to be as wonderful as I've always dreamed it would be.

This weekend I'm going with my mom, my sister, his mom, his sister and his aunt to go look for my dress. I have a dress in mind that I like but I want to try on a couple to find my dream dress.

So his mom has been really into looking for stuff for the wedding, which is nice, no complaints here. His family has always been so supportive, I love it! My family is just as supportive! I'm truly blessed, I thank God every day for having so many blessings in my life :).

Yesterday it was funny because Tyler said "if it were up to me I'd marry you right now and you'd be moving with me but I know what you want and I want you to have what you want". He makes me smile :). I truly love him with everything I have! :)


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