be happy :)

This week was great! My husband had a 4 day weekend, I love when he has them :). We didn't really do anything on Friday. Saturday he went golfing with a friend and while I cleaned the house since we were having some people over. We had people over to watch football. My hubby's team (49ers) played first and they won :). The next game was my team (the patriots) played and they kicked butt! :).
I <3 this pic ^ 
On Sunday my husband and I went to play golf with a couple of his friends. It was my first 18 hole course and first time actually using my driver. At first I wasn't doing too good but I got the hang of it toward the 6th hole. I was proud of myself :). It did take awhile but I think it took so long because there were 4 of us. After golf my husband and I went to dinner at Applebees our favorite restaurant lol not really but we always seem to go there. So it was definitely a good day :)

On Monday we just watched movies together and then around 5ish my hubby got a call to see if he wanted to do CQ watch (or whatever it's called) and he decided to do it. So he left and didn't get back till Tuesday at 8:30. I hate when he isn't there next to me in bed so of course I was up till like 2am because I couldn't sleep. Well anyways he had yesterday off since he worked the night before. Most of the day he slept while I did laundry. 

Hope everyone has a great week :)


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