
Showing posts from 2012


I haven't written in awhile! A lot has gone on since I last wrote. I'll definitely have to write about everything but not today. I still have an assignment that I have to finish, so that I'll update in another post :). Today I decided to listen to KLove, if you don't know KLove is a christian music station. I haven't listened to them in LONG time, I don't know what made me change it this station but this song came on the radio, it's called "Forgiveness" by Matthew West. I don't know why but it caught my attention so much that I felt like blogging about. I'm not sure if I necessarily to forgive anyone in particular but the song itself brought me to realizing that without forgiveness there is no moving forward in my life. Also I think the song touched me is because I have felt so far from God that I feel like I need forgiveness for being gone from him....

quotes for my soul

"No matter how hard times get, always keep your head high and continue to be strong because there are people who would kill to see you fall." "Music is the best way to convey what the heart and soul so dearly want to say." "Each of us has our own unique love story,  never compare yours..." ""Wipe away those tears and keep your head up, because people can't see your beautiful smile when your face is towards the ground." ~unknown" "Finish what you start... No matter how tough life gets."

make the most of life

A lot has happened since I last wrote on here. I'm not really sure where to start, I guess I'll start out with little things (sorry for the randomness) My hubby turned 23 and I turned 25, we didn't do much for our birthdays just dinner and spent time together. A lot has been on my mind! My hubby got moved to a new unit last week and while getting moved to the new unit he was informed that he'll be deploying soon. It took me off guard because his last unit deployed but wasn't chosen to go with them. So, I guess I had let my guard down when it came to him being deployed because I knew he wouldn't be. Then this came up and I feel like I cry every night (I've been getting better!) and the date keeps getting pushed up, which makes it harder and harder. I don't want my husband to leave. I then think, I'm not the only one going through this so I need to suck it up and just be supportive for my husband. Which is my new out look on this whole situatio...

National Pie Day

Interesting fact of the Day: today is National Pie Day so go out and have some pie :) I had another good week. During the week I was busy with school work. This semester is keeping me busy and I haven't even started the papers that go with each class. I'm sure when I start working on those I'm going to be even more busy, which of course I don't mind :) This weekend was good I spent it with my husband and doggy. Saturday was kind of boring we just hung out at home. In the evening a lady doing a health survey for the state of Oklahoma came over and had me do a survey. I didn't mind doing it for free but I got paid 30 bucks for doing it! After then I ordered pizza and we ended the night watching a movie. On Sunday I went grocery shopping nothing big just the little stuff to keep us full till next payday. Then came home and we watched football. I was so nervous watching the first game since it was my patriots! They played good but not great but it was a win and that...

be happy :)

This week was great! My husband had a 4 day weekend, I love when he has them :). We didn't really do anything on Friday. Saturday he went golfing with a friend and while I cleaned the house since we were having some people over. We had people over to watch football. My hubby's team (49ers) played first and they won :). The next game was my team (the patriots) played and they kicked butt! :). I <3 this pic ^  On Sunday my husband and I went to play golf with a couple of his friends. It was my first 18 hole course and first time actually using my driver. At first I wasn't doing too good but I got the hang of it toward the 6th hole. I was proud of myself :). It did take awhile but I think it took so long because there were 4 of us. After golf my husband and I went to dinner at Applebees our favorite restaurant lol not really but we always seem to go there. So it was definitely a good day :) On Monday we just watched movies together and then around 5ish my hubby got a ...

Aries 2012 horoscope

Your quest for radical self-love and self-knowledge continues in 2012. Never has the impetus to know yourself, own your core values (even if it means going against the grain) and possess your truth been more essential. No longer can you deny all that is rare and sensational about you. This is truly your breakout year in which your myriad talents will shine! And get ready to work your horns off this year, Ram. Although your ruling planet, Mars, will spend the first quarter retrograde in Virgo, it will also push you to focus and finish like never before. The devil is definitely in the details this year. Mars retrogrades less frequently than the other planets, but when it does, you surely feel like someone has slammed on the brakes! But don't panic. Rather, consider this a chance to finally catch up on every loose end and unfinished project that's piled up over the past few years. With Uranus upping the ante in your stars for another round, the status quo of pre-...