Happy New Year to ALL!

Today is the 3rd day of 2011. 2010 went by extremely fast! It was a pretty good year; I turned 23, I finally got a job that I love, my bf and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary, my bf joined the army, met some new friends, reconnected with an old friend...these are just some of the things that happened in 2010.

I can't wait to see what this year has in store for me. I know it will definitely be adventure! There are so many changes that are already happening that I have to get use to but they aren't bad just new things to adjust to.

I've made a "new year resolution" it's not you're "typical" resolutions, like I've had in the past. My resolutions are to focus on myself ie: be happy with my physical appearance (lately I haven't been happy with it, so I want to start working out regularly and not give up like I have in the past, everything takes time), write more in my journal so that I get everything out that it bothering so I can look back at it and fix what needs to be fixed in my life, not sit around waiting for things to come to me but go after what I want!, and do things that make me happy instead what makes other people happy. My other resolution is to get closer with my boyfriend I know him being in another state is going to take a toll on our relationship so we have to basically reknow each other (if that makes sense), I want to focus on him and our relationship.

Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful new year and don't let the little obstacles get you down! :)


  1. Those are all wonderful resolutions! If you start feeling discouraged or want to talk give me a call! I will help out and encourage you in any way that I can! :) Love you bestie


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