Amazingly happy

Lately things have been looking oh so good! In September I started a new job, which I love. Yesterday, I found out I got another position at the same school I work at. It pays really, really well and I'll be working in the classrooms with the students. Something I've always wanted to do. My boss is talking to another vice principal at another school to get me even more hours, which is awesome.

I've even been applying to schools for the spring semester. I should know by next month what school I'm going to. I know I've taken a long time to get my life going the way I want it to go but hey who ever said things come easy. I know from experience that everything comes with hard work and God is always there to help guide me in the right direction. I thank him every day for guiding me through this crazy world. I know there have been hard times in my life that have prevented me from getting through school as fast as others but I'll get through it.

I just realized 60 days from today my boyfriend leaves, I can't believe how fast time is going by. I think I've come to terms with him leaving. I know that he'll be back and this is only going to make us stronger as a couple. I also know that me keeping busy with all these new things that I have in my life that time will go by SO fast.


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