sacrifices make us stronger!

The last blog I wrote someone thought it'd be funny to email my boyfriend and tell him what I wrote. After that happened I thought I'd hide my blog so that no one could read it but then I thought why am I going to let someone control me or frighten me from what I write on here. My boyfriend knows everything I write on here so for someone to "pretend their his friend" and tell him is ridiculous and childish. I also loved how the person thought it would be cool to put me down when I confronted them about emailing him. Like the saying say "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me".

So on to the real reason I'm writing. Theres less than 90 days till my boyfriend leaves and it kind of saddens me, scratch that it really saddens me! After all the talks him and I have had, I really think he needs to do this because it'll make him a stronger person. I know he wants to prove to himself and to others that he can do this but mostly to himself. I tell him all the time that I'm going to be here for him no matter where he's stationed and I'm in it for the long run. There's going to be a lot of time where we can't communicate and that will be the hardest about the whole thing but that will only make us want each other more. "Without sacrifice there will be no gain."


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