Life always has changes!

So since the last time I wrote a lot has come up in my life. Life always has it's changes sometimes it's a slow change and sometimes it's a fast curve ball change that you didn't know was coming.

My boyfriend of 3 years has been talking about joining the military for awhile. When I stop and think about it I think he's mentioned it ever since we first start dating (so I guess I should've saw this coming). Last week he went to talk to a recruiter about joining. I thought oh it's just talking he may not sign up if he knows how long he'll be away from home and what not. But I guess I was just psyching myself out. So this week he's taking all of his test to join. After all the tests on Wednesday he takes his oath and will be going to boot camp in November. He'll graduate in and around the end of April but wont come home till around March. It's only 4 months or so but it's during the holiday season. I haven't spent the holidays without him since we've been together. That'll be a change but I know I can get through it with the support of my family and friends. I know that I have to be strong so that he can have the strength to make it through bootcamp and the rest of his military career. I've heard this quote when I was younger "behind every man there's a great women" and I think it's perfect for this situation. I know he can do, he can do anything he sets his mind to :).

Another big change could be me moving. My mom is applying for a position through her company that could have her move to Phoenix, AZ. The reason my mom is applying is because she'd be closer to her family. She's always wanted to be closer to them especially now that my sister is going to graduate high school soon and when I move out. I totally understand her reasoning for wanting to move there. She seems really excited about the whole thing. I totally want her to get the position. I really don't want to move but what do I have here when my boyfriend leaves to the army? I know that if I did move it would be extremely hard on our relationship because of the fact that he would have to decide where to go on his leave, either visit me or his family or split his time. I could always visit where he is at on his leave. I know it's a lot but I know him and I can work through what ever is thrown at us.

hm what other new stuff has been going on...I started exercising frequently again. I really hope I can keep up with it because lord knows I could use it lol. I start playing fast pitch softball next week, two times a week (it should be fun)....on another not my best friend (that I've known for 7 years) had a recent loss in her family. Her nina (Godmother) passed away today. Her nina was such a wonderful lady. She was always so nice to me when I would go over. I know she was suffering for awhile and that she's in a better place but it really does suck that my friend and her family are going through such a hard time right now. I know they need all the prayers they can get during this hard time in their life. I pray for them!


  1. thanks best friend! you are an amazing person! i love you!

    It will all be ok. And if you move I get to go visit you somewhere else! can always move to the bay area....hehehehehe it isn't hot there... :)


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