May 15th

So last weekend I had a pretty darn good weekend. I went to Bakersfield with my bestie Tammy, Greg and Tammy's friend Mallory (Tammy's cousin met us there). The reason we went there was a for a concert, the bands were Fun, Relient K and Paramore (Paramore being the headliners). Greg drove us, in Tammy's aunts car, we got to Bakersfield then went to Greg's families house to pick up the tickets and when we got there they had pizza waiting for us, it was really nice of them. So then we went to the place the concert was it was called Rabobank arena (kinda funny name lol). When we got there, there were a lot of people waiting to get in, there were some people that were dressed like goths lol. The first band was FUN, they are made up of Nate Ruess (he use to be the leade singer of the the format, they disbanded in '08), Andrew dost and Jack Antonoff. I hadn't heard any of their music till I was there at the concert. They were pretty good but then again I may be a bit biased since I really do love Nate Ruess's voice, it has something about it that I love. Oh and at the end of the concert we met one of the band mates and he signed my concert ticket. That was pretty cool.
The next band was Relient K. My friend Tammy loves them, she's knows everything about them! They played a variety of music from their cds but mostly they played songs from their newest cd which I wasn't totally familiar with but it was good my favorite was "therapy". I bought a shirt of theirs, I really like it it's a red shirt with a dumb that says Relient K on it. Oh and another part of Relient K's act that I liked was that they used the piano on stage. I really like bands that are more than just guitar and drums, they even played the trumpet when they did the cover song by cakes called "The distance". Very good performance they put on :).
So the next band was the headliners Paramore. I wasn't sure if I would know a lot of their songs, but then again I didn't really know the other two bands music as well as I would've liked. So anyways they were really good and I did know a lot of the songs they played :). I was glad, I was able to sing along hehe. The lead singer Hayley Williams was awesome, she got the crowd involved, which I loved and at the end she even let some fans from the front go up on stage with her which was pretty awesome.

So yea over all I had a great time with a great group of people that I went with. I love concerts and this one was way fun. I definitely want to go to more concerts!!! :))

Here are some pics of the show and my friends

Hope you enjoyed the picture blog :)


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