National Pie Day

Interesting fact of the Day: today is National Pie Day so go out and have some pie :) I had another good week. During the week I was busy with school work. This semester is keeping me busy and I haven't even started the papers that go with each class. I'm sure when I start working on those I'm going to be even more busy, which of course I don't mind :) This weekend was good I spent it with my husband and doggy. Saturday was kind of boring we just hung out at home. In the evening a lady doing a health survey for the state of Oklahoma came over and had me do a survey. I didn't mind doing it for free but I got paid 30 bucks for doing it! After then I ordered pizza and we ended the night watching a movie. On Sunday I went grocery shopping nothing big just the little stuff to keep us full till next payday. Then came home and we watched football. I was so nervous watching the first game since it was my patriots! They played good but not great but it was a win and that...